Section by Sections Changes in the Final Chatfield EIS
Links to computer-generated section by section changes in the final Chatfield Reallocation Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) are listed below.
Software used for the comparisons generates PDF files that indicate changes by
- Striking out deleted text in red.
- Highlighting inserted text in blue.
- Highlighting replaced text in salmon. Clicking on salmon highlights reveals the changes.
- Indicating large blocks of text too complex to compare by displaying colored squares in the upper left corner of each page.
View comparisons relative to the new document or the old one by clicking links on the first page of the PDFs. A current version of Adobe Reader, downloadable from, may be required for viewing these documents.
Links to PDF files are given below. Section titles are from the EIS. Some limitations of the comparisons are listed here. Comments indicate any peculiarities about the comparisons of particular sections.
- Executive Summary.
- Chapter 1 - Purpose of and Need for Action. Comment: Changes in this section were too complex for the software to do much other than list large blocks of text that have been replaced. Sections from both the EIS and the Draft EIS (DEIS) are included in the file. Click links on the first page to see either the new or the old version of this section.
- Chapter 2 - Alternatives.
- Chapter 3 - Affected Environment.
- Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences.
- Chapter 5 - Economic Analysis, Comparison of Alternatives, and Plan Selection.
- New Chapters. Comment: Chapter 6 - Description of Selected Plan and Chapter 7 - Implementation.
- Chapter 8 - Public Involvement, Review, and Consultation.
- Conclusions and References. Comment: Chapter 9 - Conclusions and Recommendations, Chapter 10 - References, Chapter 11 - List of Preparers, Chapter 12 - Distribution of the Draft FR/EIS, Chapter 13 - List of Acronyms and Abbreviations, and Chapter 14 - Index.
- Appendix A - Dam Safety Evaluation was split into three parts for comparison. Part 1 contains text. Part 2 contains maps, graphs, and diagrams that were not compared. Part 3 contains various reports that appear to be unchanged.
- Appendix B - Tri-Lakes Water Control Plans.
- Appendix C - Water Supply Demand Analysis. Comment: There appear to have been no substantive changes to the text of Appendix C. Graphics were not compared.
- Appendix D - Ecosystem Restoration Evaluation Report.
- Appendix E - Wetlands. Comment:There appear to be no substantive changes to the text of Appendix E. Graphics were not compared.
- Species Lists. Appendix F - Species of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibians Known to Occur in the Project Area and Appendix G - Butterfly Species Identified at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, 1992-2001. Comment: No substantive changes were found in either Appendix F or Appendix G.
- Appendix H - Hydrology Report: Chatfield Dam and Reservoir. Comment: Only minor changes were found in the text of Appendix H. Graphics were not compared.
- Comment: Appendix I - USACE Hydraulic Analysis contains a 433-page report issued in December 2006. The report presented in the Draft EIS (201.2 MB) contains many large images. In the report presented in the Final EIS (42.7 MB), sizes of these images and in some cases their orientations have been modified to save space. Otherwise, the report appears to have been unchanged.
- Appendix J - Impacts of Increased Water Supply Storage on Water Quality. Comment: Appendix J appears to have been revised substantially. The automated comparison produced a lot of "excessive granularity." You may prefer to compare the DEIS version and the EIS version manually.
- Appendix K - Compensatory Mitigation Plan was split into part 1 and part 2 to facilitate automated comparisons. Appendix K appears to have been revised substantially. The automated comparison produced "excessive granularity." You may prefer to compare the DEIS version and the EIS version manually.
- Appendix L - Real Estate Plan.
- Appendix M - Recreation Facilities Modification Plan.
- Appendix N - Chatfield Marina Reallocation Impact Assessment Report. Comment: No text was changed. Graphics were not compared.
- Appendix O - Costs.
- Appendix P - Public and Agency Scoping Comments. Comment: There were only minor changes to Appendix P. The comparison software picked up some spurious differences that are not ordinarily visible.
- Appendix Q - Avian Point Count Data. Comment: There appear to have been no substantive changes to Appendix Q.
- Appendix R - Antecedent Flood Study. Comment: There appear to have been only minor changes to the text in Appendix R. Graphics were not compared.
- Appendix S - Compliance with Environmental Statutes. Comment: There appear to be no substantive changes in the text of Appendix S. Telephone numbers and other contact information has been redacted from photocopied letters.
- Appendix T - National Economic Development (NED) Recreation Benefit Analysis.
- Appendix U - Regional Economic Development and Other Social Effects Analyses.
- Appendix V - Biological Assessment.
- Appendix W - CWA Section 404(b)(1) Analysis Dredge and Fill Compliance. Comment: There appear to have been only minor changes to the text in Appendix W. Graphics were not compared.
- Appendix X - FWCA Report. Comment: Appendix X has been expanded from 4 pages in the DEIS to 30 pages in the EIS.
- Appendix Y - MII Documentation in the DEIS has been replaced by Appendix Y - Project Implementation Costs in the EIS. Comment: There is little similarity between the two versions of Appendix Y.
- Appendix Z - Tree Management Plan.
- Appendix AA - Summaries of Water Provider’s Water Conservation Programs.
- Appendix BB - Policy Waivers. Comment: Some documents that were included as photocopies in Appendix BB of the DEIS appear to have been converted to text in the EIS.
- Appendix CC - Additional Measures Beyond the Federal Project. Comment: Other than a change of title, which was "Items of Non-Federal Cooperation" in the DEIS, Appendix CC in the EIS is substantially the same as Appendix CC in the EIS.
- Appendix DD - Response to Public Comments on the Draft FR/EIS in the EIS has replaced Appendix DD - Compliance with Implementation Guidance in the DEIS.
- Appendix EE Potential Failure Mode Analysis.
- Appendix FF - Denver Tri-Lakes Projects Chatfield Sediment Depletion Rates – Future Conditions appears only in the EIS.
- Appendix GG - Adaptive Management Plan appears only in the EIS.
- Appendix HH - Comparative Review of Reservoir Fluctuation Zone Chatfield Reallocation Project appears only in the EIS.