Notes About Section by Sections Changes in the Final Chatfield EIS
Comparisons of the CHATFIELD RESERVOIR STORAGE REALLOCATION Integrated Final Feasibility Report / Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the CHATFIELD RESERVOIR STORAGE REALLOCATION Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) had some of the following limitations:
- Comparisons were made with the versions of the DEIS and its appendices that were released in June 2012. Since then, the Army Corps of Engineers has combined the DEIS into a single document. Formatting changes made to the new DEIS document are not reflected in the comparisons.
- Only text was compared. Changes that may have been made to diagrams are not indicated.
- On some occasions, changes were so complex that the software could do little except noting that large sections the DEIS had been replaced by large sections of the EIS.
- On other occasions, the software
generated comparisons with "excessive granularity."
For example, consider the following two sections of text from
Appendix J:
- Draft: "Although the proposed project may actually improve water quality conditions (as modeled using EUTROMOD), the simplistic analysis has limitations and uncertainty when applied to a localized situation (i.e., Chatfield Reservoir). In the EUTROMOD model the internal loading is inferred from the algorithms based on relationships derived from regionalized lakes. The more detailed second analysis, based on “Chatfieldderived” loading models, provides further insight into the possible water quality impacts of the proposed project."
- Final: "The applied 'Chatfield-derived' loading models, provides (sic) further insight into the possible water quality impacts of the proposed project."
- The software sometimes picked up minor formatting changes that would otherwise be hardly noticed. Although this seemed to be particularly true when tables were compared, the software also picked up changes in kerning like space adjustments between the "W" and "a" in "Water" that were made to enhance readability.
- In a few cases, changes were such that it made sense to offer both draft and final versions of the section.
- Finally, some sections in the EIS had no obvious counterparts in the DIES.
Copies of the EIS and DEIS are currently available through the Army Corps of Engineers at